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Dimensions collide as mystics channel the unquiet Dead and Demons stalk.
Can Janni Dakkar aka Captain Nemo, Mauve and Molly Bates aka Madam Acarda thwart the sinister creators of The Vampire Circuit? One parallel Earth has already fallen and the evil Thuggees worshipers of the Indian Goddess Kali are seeking their revenge. Unwittingly serving the evil extra dimensional invaders who unleashed the infernal device.
Entropy Circuit is a Steampunk rollercoaster ride through History and Old School Science Fiction.

It's one of those stories that makes you want to read it non-stop until you get to the end. The author has the ability to entice, excite and thrill the reader as the story progresses.
You can't go wrong with this book!


It's a Steampunk Rollercoster ride remanistant of Old School Science Fiction.

 Penunbra Press.

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